Lifeworks Enrichment Center

The Muscle Specialist

About Gail Townsend

Gail Townsend began her study of holistic healing arts learning massage therapy in 1988, under Ruthann Hobbs (owner, director and chief instructor at the Alexandria School of Scientific Therapeutics, the oldest massage therapy school in existence in Indiana). Ruthann is sometimes called the mother of massage therapy in Indiana because she has trained more therapists in this state than anyone else. She personally studied with Terese Pfrimmer, Bernard Jensen, Hildegard Vittlinger, and well-known Osteopath Robert Fulford. It was Ruthann’s studies with Dr. Fulford that piqued Gail’s own interest in osteopathic soft tissue manipulation.

In 2000 Gail began studying CraniosacralTherapy (CST) and SomatoEmotional Release (SER) therapy at the Upledger Institute founded by Osteopath Dr. John Upledger.

Gail is an advanced practitioner and certified therapist. She is mentored by Dr. Chas Perry Ph.D. Dr. Perry lives in New Mexico and teaches advanced CST internationally for the Upledger Institute and is chief therapist for Integrative Intentions. Gail works for Integrative Intentions at their Comprehensive Therapy Programs,and teaches advanced courses for the Upledger Institute. Gail is a former instructor and Director of Education at Alexandria School of Scientific therputics.

Gail earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Ball State University, is a graduate of Ball Memorial Hospital’s School of Emergency Medical Technicians and the Alexandria School of Scientific Therapeutics, with post-graduate studies in Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy.   

Gail’s approach to healing is integrative but simple. First, she explores what brings the client happiness, joy, and a feeling of being alive. Second, throughout all parts of therapy Gail is mindful of the continuity of mind, body, and spirit. This awareness allows for balanced healing that addresses the person as a whole. Finally, Gail’s approach is not one of “imposing healing” from the outside, but of acting as a catalyst to facilitate the body’s own natural healing. This technique is echoed in her philosophy that “Healing is awareness without judgment.” This tenet is central to keeping her practice Client Centered.   

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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